In short for 'Claw Machine Entrepreneur', CME is essentially a side hustle for you to generate extra income with minimal effort.
Dr. Clawtopus will provide you with the location, manpower and claw machines.
All you have to do is source for your own prizes, and we will teach you how to customise the claw machines according to your requirements.
Dr. Clawtopus aims to provide quality prizes to all patrons. Only CMEs providing authentic prizes of a certain quality will be recruited as part of our team.
Rental of claw machines is on a monthly basis, with a few packages to choose from.
CMEs will be allowed to customise their gameplay and machine set-up.
As a CME with Dr. Clawtopus, you will enjoy the following benefits:
Competitive pricing for the rental of claw machines;
Manpower support to oversee machine operations and players onsite;
Locked storage for you to store your prizes and restock machines;
Keep you updated on the condition of your machine by installing an optional camera within the machine; and
Regular feedback sessions and surveys to constantly improve our service provision.
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